large brick and stone home ready for home renovations

More than just the place where you live, your house is a financial investment. It’s important to remember home renovations aren’t just about aesthetic upgrades; they can significantly impact the overall value of your property. Here are seven ways to enhance your living space while increasing its worth.

1. Kitchen Upgrades

large open-concept kitchen with white cabinetry and large kitchen island

The kitchen is a prime candidate for change. Modernizing appliances not only makes your life more convenient but also adds a touch of contemporary charm. Updating countertops and cabinets gives it a fresh look. Incorporating energy-efficient features is a smart move both for the environment and your wallet.

2. Bathroom Remodeling

large master bathroom with glass shower

Upgrading your fixtures and faucets can turn a mundane bathroom into a luxurious hideaway. Imagine replacing a dingy worn-out bathtub with a new jacuzzi. If your titles are cracked or crumbling, we can replace them and give you the beautiful spa experience you deserve.

3. Outdoor Enhancements

Imagine fully enjoying your home, inside and out. Landscaping improvements like a fountain, a stone walkway, a new deck, or a patio with strategically placed outdoor lighting can give you the ideal space for entertaining or simply relaxing. You’ll love that view when you look out the window, and potential buyers will love it when seeing it from the street.

4. Energy-Efficient Windows and Doors

Saving energy is responsible and financially savvy. Energy-efficient windows and doors block the sun keeping the temperature inside comfortable. These are a popular way to reduce utility bills and boost your home’s value. With many options available, it’s also easy to find a style you like.

5. Basement Finishing

Take full advantage of your basement! Maximize its utility to ensure no space is wasted. You can add valuable square footage to your home by using that space for a new bedroom, a playroom, or an office. Remember, a finished basement offers endless possibilities.

6. Smart Home Technology

Integrating smart technology raises the security of your home while giving it a modern touch. You can effortlessly regulate the temperature inside with smart thermostats, even if you’re not there. Advanced lighting systems can also be programmed to turn on and off at specific times. This creates a welcoming ambiance and bolsters security. And when you’re away, a robust security system gives you the peace of mind that comes from knowing your home is protected. 

7. Fresh Paint and Curb Appeal

exterior of a large blue-grey house with stone accents

First impressions matter, and nothing beats a stunning exterior. Fresh paint protects your house from harsh elements, gives it a vibrant, welcoming look, and raises its market value.

Consider a modern color. Earthy tones like sage green and terracotta, as well as bold choices such as navy blue or charcoal gray, are currently popular and can make a striking statement.

Beyond Aesthetics

Elevate the long-term value of your home with kitchen upgrades, bathroom remodeling, outdoor enhancements, finished basements, and a refreshed exterior. Whether you aim to enhance your living space or prepare for a future sale, these renovations are a wise investment. Scherer specializes in partnering with homeowners to turn their dream into reality. Reach out to us today for more information.